Recently the Government of the People’s Republic of China started sponsoring content on Facebook on Twitter. This content is trying to paint their internment camps as good places. Internment camps (Also sometimes known as Re-education Camps) are like concentration camps, but they exist in PRC, and are used for housing Muslims, and more specifically the ones in Xinjiang. While they are an autonomous region which kind of has Independence, the Chinese (PRC) government still has some control of the area and has made Interment Camps in these areas.
PR China paid Facebook and Twitter to spread Anti-Muslim Propaganda Under the name Global Times
The PR China Government Paid Facebook and Twitter to spread Anti-Muslim Propaganda via sponsorships. For those of you who do not know how Facebook and Twitter make some of their money, here is how it works, you can post something an then you can pay money to “boost” it. It is more complicated and their are a few more steps. but that’s basically how it works. Well, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) created a state owned account named “Global Times”. This account is owned by the State. Global Times has been posting stuff that makes these Internment Camps look like better places than they are.
Some of the posts that they make show “students” graduating and hoping for a better future. It shows them doing stuff like baking bread to show the “vocational skills” that they were suppose to of learned. They claim that the goal of these camps is to stop “religious extremism” and that fewer violent attacks would have happened if they were set up earlier.
Global Times also recently made a post where their editior-in-cheif criticised the journalists who were criticising the camps saying how “Their hands are in a way soiled with the blood of the Chinese people who died in violent attacks”. They are most likely referring to the event that happened in Uighurs in 2009CE which lead to hundreds of deaths in an ethnic riot, as well as recent events that have happened their in recent years.They claim that other Muslim countries support the actions done by the PRC government.
Most of the information we have was obtained from investigations by Intercept and Buzzfeed. Global Times has promoted their posts to Millions of people, more commonly in Western Countries to try to make the conditions not look as bad. They are not only doing it for Muslims, but also for the people in Hong Kong, much of it false.
Twitter updated their advertising policies stating that they would no longer accept sponsorships from state run news outlets. Facebook said they would continue to allow them, but would make sure that they take a “close look to make sure they did not violate their policies”. Facebook acknowledged that they may of been slow to much of this stuff (Global Times started this started this in June to our knowledge), but wants to remain neutral in this kind of stuff. PRC blocked both Facebook and Twitter, but use them to promote the PRC government.
PRC (People’s Republic of China) claims to be a socialist state run by the people via a “People’s Democratic Dictatorship lead by the people” in the constitution. PRC and ROC are not the Same country. ROC (Republic of China) claims to be nationalist, and currently owns the Island of Taiwan and a few other Islands and is often referred to as just Taiwan. Though ROC claims to be nationalist, PRC also has lots of nationalism. PRC has many autonomous regions based on ethnicities and seem to generally like themselves more than other ethnicities and nations. Their constitution does not seem to be all that realistic. The people have very little involvement in the voting, it is very bureaucratic, and it is a one party state.
PRC is commonly labelled as communist when it is not, they claim to be socialist, not communist, communism is stateless and classless, and both state and class exist, PRC is suppose to be a transition state rather than communism in its final form. But PRC seems to have more in common with Neo-Nazism than Socialism or Communism. They don’t have real elections, they use concentration camps to harm people who are different than them, they are imperialist (they own a bunch of land that does not want to be owned by PRC, most of it gained through conquest (such as Tibet)). They are authoritarian and do not follow the ideas of socialism in many ways. Age and gender roles exist, Homosexuality still has many issues, and nationalism has presence. People are not equal like Communism or even socialism advocates.
China has very little in common with communism and has a lot in common with Neo-Nazism, this incident shows this by how they are putting people in these camps because they are a different religion and using propaganda to cover it up..